
The Great Banquet: On Humbling

Tim Keller |  August 30, 1992

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  • Communion and Baptism
Luke 14:7-24
RS 33-5

Luke 14:12–24

Think of God’s kingdom as the most amazing party ever, as shown in Luke 14’s story of the great banquet. It’s not about strictly following rules, but rather a celebration of joy and divine magic. To join this party and really enjoy it, we need to stay humble, just as Jesus taught us. He showed us four ways to do this: being okay with the party taking time to start, realizing that it’s free to all, accepting that everyone’s invited, and putting it first in our lives.

1. Be patient with the kingdom’s slow pace

Just like a birthday party we can’t wait for, God’s kingdom is still being set up. We get some joy now, but the big party is still to come. This waiting game teaches us to be humble and trust God’s timing. Even when the world seems full of problems and evil doesn’t seem to go away, we need to keep faith in God’s plan.

2. Understand the kingdom is free

God’s kingdom isn’t a prize we earn, but a gift we just need to accept. If we try to prove we’re good enough or can’t let go of our past mistakes, we’re actually turning down His invitation. By being humble and accepting God’s unconditional love, we can move past feelings of not being good enough and pride.

3. Accept the kingdom’s wide invite list

God’s invites often reach the smart and powerful first, but they usually say no because they’re used to having control and don’t want to accept Jesus’ message of salvation. They try to change it to fit their views. But, when less fortunate people accept the invite, their lives change drastically, pushing us to work with them and use what we have to help.

4. Make the kingdom your top priority

Some people seem interested in God’s kingdom but don’t want it to change their daily lives. This shows they haven’t really joined the party yet. To truly be part of the kingdom, we need to be humble, admit we need God’s saving grace, and not worry about feeling unworthy. The Lord’s Supper is a reminder of the big party that’s coming, pushing us to experience more of God’s power now.



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