
The Love of the World (Part 1)

Tim Keller |  February 12, 1995

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  • Stewardship, Generosity and Money
  • Sin
  • Christian Living and Obedience
1 John 2:15-17
RS 260-04


This sermon was preached by Timothy J. Keller at Redeemer Presbyterian Church on Feb 12, 1995. Series: 1 John, Part 2 – MP3. Scripture: 1 John 2:15-17

1 John 2:15–17

The verses of 1 John 2:15-17 explain the Christian view of the world. The term ‘world’ has two meanings here – the physical world, and the attitude that values material things above all else. Christians are advised to both love and dislike the world, in different ways. Understanding this is crucial to practicing Christianity as it helps us understand what being worldly means.

1. What being worldly is not

Christians are meant to deeply love and connect with the world, including nature and all people. This comes from the belief that Jesus was God in human form. This love is shown by respecting and valuing everyone, because we believe everyone is made in God’s image. It also means caring for others’ needs and rights, even if we disagree with them. Christians should also value the talents, wisdom, art, beauty, and moral sense that God gives everyone, regardless of their beliefs. They should take part in culture, look after nature, and be kind to those who are lost.

2. What being worldly is

Being worldly doesn’t mean enjoying the physical world, but seeing it as the most important thing. This attitude can be seen in how we spend money, whether we’re generous or not, and what we worry about, often focusing on worldly problems. On the other hand, a Christian lives with a long-term view, caring more about things that will matter in the long run than about material success or unimportant issues.

3. What being worldly results in

Worldly desires don’t last, and people often doubt Christianity, but these things prove the lasting value of following God’s will. As shown in the story of “Jane Eyre,” sticking to God’s laws, even when it’s hard, leads to eternal rewards. The secret to this eternal reward is focusing on Jesus’s sacrifice and staying true to God’s plan.



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