
The Other Advocate

Tim Keller |  November 24, 1991

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  • The Holy Spirit
John 14:15-27
RS 11-49

John 14:15–26

In John 14:15-26, Jesus talks about the Holy Spirit, calling Him the Advocate. He promises to send this truthful Spirit to be with His followers forever. The Advocate will live within them, guiding and teaching them. When they feel rejected, defeated, confused, or falsely accused, Jesus assures them the Holy Spirit, as the Advocate, will bring peace and clear understanding about the first and second advocates’ roles.

1. What’s an advocate?

When Jesus uses the word Paraclete, it means someone who stands by your side, not leading or pushing. In Latin, it translates to “advocare,” or advocate, someone who bravely speaks the truth for you. An advocate, like a social worker or lawyer, is both tough and caring, representing you and standing with you.

2. Who is the first advocate?

Jesus is described as the ultimate advocate, defending us before God’s judgment. This is different from other religions that focus on doing good deeds for justice. The pain from guilt, striving for perfection, and regret is tackled, using “Death of a Salesman” to show the results of betrayal. The key point is that we should surrender to Jesus as Savior, instead of trying to defend ourselves.

3. Who is the second advocate?

Jesus introduces the Holy Spirit as our internal advocate, reminding us of His teachings and showing us how we’re connected to Him and God the Father. The Holy Spirit points us to Jesus, helping us trust Him and find out who we are and what our mission is in Him. To deeply feel the Holy Spirit’s impact, we need to admit our need for Jesus as our advocate, ask Him into our lives, and let the Holy Spirit guide us in truth and love.



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