
The Problem of Materialism

Tim Keller |  November 14, 1993

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  • Stewardship, Generosity and Money
Luke 11:37-42
RS 45-10

Luke 11:37–42

In Luke 11, Jesus teaches us about the right way to think about money and stuff we own. He uses the Pharisee’s obsession with cleanliness to show us that both our actions and our hearts matter. He’s not a fan of extreme religious views that focus only on rules or only on freedom. According to Jesus, real faith is about living in a way that reflects what’s going on inside our hearts. He uses this idea when talking about giving money to the church, saying that it should involve rules, heart-driven action, and a spiritual connection.

1. There is an external guideline for Christian generosity

Jesus notes that the Pharisees were good at giving money to the church, which helped with religious activities and assisted poor people. However, he points out that this isn’t enough. It’s also crucial to act justly and love God. So, giving 10 percent of our money is a good start, but Jesus encourages us to go beyond this by showing love and fairness like God does.

2. There also has to be an inner compulsion to give

Jesus emphasizes that we should be happy and caring when we give, saying that giving just to look good is hypocritical. He says that our giving should involve fairness, mercy, and compassion, warning us against giving just because we have to, or to make ourselves look good. True giving, according to Jesus, isn’t just about money. It’s also about being generous with our homes, our time, and our talents, which brings joy, encourages creativity, helps others, and has eternal value.

3. There’s a spiritual dynamic

Our generosity should come from our love for God, not just because it’s a rule or duty. Giving isn’t just about money, but also about having the right attitude towards money, inspired by the amazing love Jesus showed us when he died on the cross. If we adopt this mindset and give money to the church trusting in God’s promises, we, our churches, and our communities can experience abundant blessings.



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