
The Problem of the City

Tim Keller |  November 7, 1993

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  • Cities
  • Restoration
Genesis 11, Proverbs 11
RS 45-09

Genesis 11:4; Psalm 107:6–7; Proverbs 11:10–11

The Bible tells us important things about cities. It talks about cities like Babel, where Israel lived, and Nineveh, which God cared about. It also explains how good and bad people can impact a city, and how God helped the Israelites when they were stuck in Babylon. These stories help us see cities in a more positive and truthful way than what we often see in the media, and they show us why cities matter.

1. God invented the city

God designed a special city, as we can see in Hebrews 11:10 and Revelation 21 and 22, which is meant for everyone who belongs to His kingdom. Sin has messed up both our families and our cities, but our job is to fix and rebuild them. As Christians, we should help make cities better, because they’re important for our society, no matter where we live.

2. Why did God invent the city?

Cities are places where people can be creative and grow, even though they can also be stressful and competitive. The first cities were meant to be safe places, but sin and pride have changed that. Even with their problems, cities are still important spiritual places. People living in cities are often more interested in spiritual things, and as Christians, we’re supposed to help meet these spiritual needs.

3. God sends us into the city

God wants us to love cities because He loves the many people who live in them. Cities are important because they’re centers for things like media, education, and business. This makes it even more important for us to share God’s word in these places while also becoming part of these communities to help them become healthier and better. Just like Jesus, we can help build God’s city by being kind, understanding, preaching, and making personal sacrifices.



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