
The Rescue

Tim Keller |  September 14, 1997

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  • Doctrine
Galatians 1:1-5
RS 288-01


Galatians is like a little bomb. There’s dynamite in it. It’s not a very long book, but it brings a big punch. Paul has to bring a hard truth to the Galatians. Those that thought they believed the gospel were actually losing touch with it. The lesson for us is if we really think we understand everything about the gospel, then that probably proves we’re losing touch with it.

We’re going to look at the introduction to Galatians. It’s tempting to gloss right over these first few verses, but there are important things for us to learn. Paul touches on themes that will reappear later in the book. 1) The importance of doctrine, 2) the importance of authority, and 3) the importance of God’s initiative.



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