
The Sandals of Peace (Part 3)

Tim Keller |  March 8, 1992

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  • Spiritual Warfare
  • Understanding the Gospel
Ephesians 6:14-18
RS 234-08

Ephesians 6:14–18

Paul encourages Christians to put on spiritual armor like truth, righteousness, faith, salvation, and the Spirit’s sword. One important part of this armor is the readiness and happiness that comes from the good news of peace, the gospel. This happiness, which brings peace with God and with each other, is at the heart of the gospel’s message.

1. There is happiness through the gospel

Being spiritually happy and ready, or “hetoimasia,” is like being spiritually fit. It helps Christians to not be weighed down by obligations, sins, or problems. This happiness, which comes from knowing the greatness of God and the hope for the future, makes heavy loads seem lighter, like Paul says in Romans 8. Christians should be known for this kind of happiness, showing their trust in God and the gospel.

2. The gospel brings peace with God

The gospel helps us to deal with our natural tendency to oppose God and to be divided from each other. It shows us that we often try to control things and make ourselves happy, which usually leaves us feeling unsatisfied. The gospel emphasizes that we need to recognize our need for God before we can truly follow Him. It shows us God’s love and wisdom, and gives us a choice: to accept His love and wisdom or to stay in our unhappy state.

3. The gospel brings peace between people

The gospel gives us spiritual happiness and peace, changing our hearts to stop our opposition to God and to bring peace among people. The first sin of Adam and Eve, which was based on distrust and opposition to God, created a desire for control and prevented close relationships. But the gospel of peace brings us back together with God and with each other, removing barriers, encouraging forgiveness, and fostering true relationships.



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