
The Search for Certainty

Tim Keller |  October 3, 1993

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  • The Bible
Psalm 14
RS 45-04

Understanding Foolishness and Faith

In the Bible, being foolish isn’t about being unintelligent. Rather, it’s about how we use our intelligence, especially when it comes to faith in God. We all have a tendency to be foolish, and this can cloud our view of God’s reality. But we can overcome this by recognizing and addressing it.

1. The Bible tells us foolishness is a proud willfulness that keeps us from learning, from seeing the evidence

Being foolish can mean thinking we’re self-sufficient and not needing others’ advice or learning. This can occur in both kids and adults and can prevent us from accepting and submitting to God. It’s important to examine ourselves and make sure our questions about God come from a genuine desire to understand Him better, not from a stubborn resistance to His authority.

2. Foolishness is also a superficiality that makes it impossible for you to see your own heart commitments as alternatives to believing in God

According to the Bible, foolishness comes from the heart, not the mind or emotions. Not believing in God usually means believing in something else, like our own logic or morals. This is seen in the lives of people like Aldous Huxley and Sheldon Vanauken. It’s essential to examine our doubts to uncover the beliefs we hold, which are often less grounded than the Christian faith.

3. Foolishness can’t understand grace

Zion represents where God’s salvation begins. It’s accessible through Jesus, who took on our punishment. The cross, which some see as foolish, is actually the height of wisdom because it combines justice and mercy. To be a Christian means admitting our own foolishness and seeking God through Jesus. Doing this can cause a deep change within us, giving us a strong, new energy, just like the early Christians experienced.


July Book Offer

Reading Galatians Can Change Your Life!

Galatians is a powerful book that shows how people can think they know the gospel but are actually losing touch with it. In this study of the book of Galatians, Dr. Keller helps you understand how this short book in the New Testament can transform your life.