
The Search for Transcendence

Tim Keller |  September 26, 1993

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  • Sanctification
  • Prayer & Meditation
Psalm 63
RS 45-03

Psalm 63

Our hearts naturally yearn for something bigger and greater than ourselves, and this hints at the existence of a supernatural or spiritual reality. As Theodore Roszak says in “Where the Wasteland Ends,” we can’t ignore this longing for something more, and our hearts are always seeking a connection with the infinite. The only answer to this deep desire can be found in the wisdom of the psalm.

1. Our hearts crave the infinite

Just like our bodies need water, our hearts need a connection with something eternal. Despite the belief that science would make us stop needing God, our increased knowledge has only made us seek Him more. The rise of spiritual movements and the fall of churches that try to ignore the supernatural show us that we are hardwired to seek a relationship with God, and without it, we start to fade away.

2. How our hearts connect with the infinite

There are three key steps to experiencing the infinite nature of God: seeing the knowledge of God as a goal in itself, challenging weak faith, and accepting the complex nature of Christian life. It’s important to remember that God isn’t just a means to an end, but the ultimate goal. To truly connect with God, we need to pray regularly, ponder deeply, strive to live holy lives, and comprehend His power, glory, and love. Our transformation comes through Christ.




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