
The Sweetness of the Cross

Tim Keller |  April 28, 1991

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  • Doctrine
  • Atonement
  • Christian Living and Obedience
Ephesians 5:1, 2
RS 215-13


This passage is the sum of the Christian life: walk in love, because Jesus loved you by dying for you. We will take three important principles from this short passage: 1) Doctrine and practice are absolutely wedded in the Christian life; 2) Love is the summary of the whole Christian life; 3) The purpose of the cross is to make you sweet.

Ephesians 5:1–2

Christianity asks us to love like Jesus did, especially as he gave up his life for us. This simple yet powerful idea is at the heart of our faith, teaching us to love others. We don’t need to get lost in complicated arguments to understand this.

1. Doctrine and practice are absolutely wedded in the Christian life

Being a Christian isn’t just about following rules—it’s about living our faith every day. Imagine a doctor who treats even the most difficult patients with kindness. This shows how our beliefs can shape our actions. In Christianity, what we believe and how we live can’t be separated. Our faith should show in our love and kindness to others.

2. Love is the summary of the whole Christian life

Just as a poem can use different words to share the same message, the Bible often uses different phrases to teach us about love. As a Christian, love isn’t just a one-time thing—it’s a way of life. Being patient, kind, and selfless should be as natural as breathing for us. That’s what it truly means to be a Christian.

3. The purpose of the cross is to make you sweet

Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross isn’t separate from the idea of living a life of love. His decision to die for us was a loving act that mended our broken relationship with God. This shows us the true meaning of the cross and the need for us to accept Jesus’ sacrifice with a trusting, open heart. Understanding and accepting this is a key part of becoming a Christian.



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