
Two Families: Two Humanities

Tim Keller |  June 30, 1991

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  • Spiritual Warfare
John 8:42-59
RS 11-35

John 8:42–59

In John 8, Jesus encourages us to take a good look at ourselves and choose between God’s truth and the Devil’s lies. He talks about people being in two groups – those who follow God and those who are lost in darkness. This reminds us that it’s important to understand where we stand spiritually. It also tells us that our choices have long-lasting effects, and we need to change our hearts by following God’s directions.

1. Satan is the father of lies

The devil, often known as the father of lies, uses tricks to make us believe things that aren’t true and can lead us down the wrong path. It’s really important to question these false ideas and fill our minds with God’s Word. This helps us to argue against the lies that can harm us. By acting like Jesus, who used Scripture to fight against lies, we can break free from fear, guilt, and the negative thoughts that can control us.

2. Like Abraham, you have to rejoice to see his day

When Jesus said that “Abraham rejoiced to see my day,” he was talking about Abraham’s faith in God’s promise to send a Savior from his family line. This faith made Abraham right with God, not because he was a perfect person, but because he believed in Jesus and looked forward to His arrival. This idea is called imputation. We’re encouraged to have faith like Abraham, to surrender to Jesus, and to live according to His truth. This can change our lives and give us eternal happiness.



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