
What It Means To Be a Disciple

Tim Keller |  November 4, 1990

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  • Discipleship and Spiritual Growth
  • Christian Living and Obedience
John 1:35-51
RS 11-06

John 1:35–51

When Jesus asks his followers to become disciples in the book of John, he’s really asking them to put something bigger than themselves first. Today’s world often tells us to do what makes us happy, but Jesus asks us to think differently. Being a true disciple means putting a bigger cause before our own wants and going on a grand journey with Jesus.

1. He calls us

Jesus’ invitation isn’t just about believing in him or thinking he’s great. He’s looking for dedicated followers, not just people who like him. He pushes us to do more than just watch from the sidelines, but to fully embrace his teachings. His call is for an even deeper kind of followership, not allowing us to just stand by.

2. He calls you to follow

Having a bigger purpose is critical for our spiritual and moral lives. Jesus gives this purpose without making us feel worn out. Following Jesus means making him the top priority and being absolutely obedient. A personal relationship with God requires total surrender and obedience in all parts of life, recognizing the incredible power and greatness of Jesus Christ.

3. He calls you to adventure

Jesus invites us to a life of following his instructions, promising an adventure full of happiness and satisfaction beyond our wildest imaginations. Like athletes who train hard to be the best, we also need to practice spiritual disciplines to reach our full potential in Christ. The secret to inner growth and change is complete obedience to Jesus, taking joy in God’s laws, and spending time with Him, His word, and helping others.



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