
Witness of the Spirit

Tim Keller |  April 6, 1997

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  • God the Father
  • Sanctification
  • The Holy Spirit
Romans 8:1-17
RS 275-10


We’re in a series on experiencing God, and we’re looking at the work of the Holy Spirit.

The main job of the Holy Spirit is to assure you that you are a child of the King—to assure you that you belong to him, that you’re his child, that he loves you.

The three great ministries of the Holy Spirit, which are all assurance ministries, are 1) the ministry of regeneration, 2) the ministry of sanctification, and 3) the ministry of high assurance and power.

Romans 8:15–17

At the heart of Romans 8:15-17 is the Holy Spirit’s role in letting us know we belong to God and are loved by Him. The Holy Spirit’s main job is to confirm to us that we’re God’s children, meeting our deepest need. We also see three important ways the Holy Spirit does this.

1. The work of rebirth

The Holy Spirit’s first job is to give us a spiritual rebirth, making us alive in Christ and showing us we belong to God because of what Jesus did. The second job is to help us stop doing wrong and reshape our desires, all the while reminding us we’re loved and accepted by God. Finally, the Spirit fills us, starting when we first believe and continuing as we grow in faith, always reminding us who we are in Christ and guiding our actions.

3. The work of deep assurance and power

When we say “Abba”, we’re showing a close, trusting relationship with God, similar to the relationship between a child and a parent. This meets our deep need to be unconditionally loved and secure. Knowing we’re God’s children helps us overcome fear of rejection and settling for less, and equips us to handle life’s challenges. The Spirit’s assurance reminds us we are loved by God, brings joy, and a powerful sense of God’s presence. This shows why it’s so important to seek God’s tangible presence and power in our lives.



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