
Wonderful Counselor

Tim Keller |  February 27, 2005

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  • Sanctification
Hebrews 3:12-13; 4:14-5:7
RS 181-04


The book of Hebrews is telling us we’ll never make it through life without counseling—daily counseling.

A main theme of Hebrews is that life in this world is a journey, spiritually speaking, through a wilderness. In verse 13, it says the only way we’re going to get through it is with this little word: the Greek word, parakaleō. It’s often translated as encouragement, but it comes closest to what we today would call counseling.

Let’s ask the text these questions: 1) why do we need counseling? 2) what kind of counseling do we need? 3) who can give it to us? and 4) how do we receive it?



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