
Building up the Body

Tim Keller |  December 4, 2011

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  • Spiritual Gifts
  • The Church (Unity, Fellowship, Leadership)
Ephesians 4:1-16
RS 333-10


The book of Ephesians is about the church, Paul presents a profound argument in chapter 4. This sermon traces through the three parts of Paul’s argument that that even though we have the life of the Trinity in us, we live in spiritual immaturity until we’re willing to do the hard work of developing and creating unity in the church.

Ephesians 4:1–16

To live a life that aligns with our Christian calling, we need to show humility, patience, and love for each other. Our unity in the Spirit and connection with Christ remind us of the grace we receive. Even though we have the Trinity inside us, we must actively work to attain spiritual maturity and unity in the church, aided by the gifts from Christ.

1. The life of the Trinity

Being a Christian isn’t just about being good or moral. It’s about experiencing the life-changing power of God living within us. When we become Christians, we come alive with Christ and awaken to the reality of God in three persons inside us. This deep change, brought about by the gospel, is the core of Christianity and goes far beyond just being nice people.

2. We live in spiritual immaturity

It’s important to grow spiritually, and the church plays a key role in helping believers use their spiritual gifts correctly. Signs of spiritual immaturity include lack of discernment, being overly self-centered, and having a short attention span. Recognizing these signs, we should find joy in our salvation, serve others, and strive for personal growth, frequently reflecting on ourselves and seeking feedback.

3. Do the hard work of developing and creating unity in the church

Growing spiritually isn’t something we do alone, but together with our church community. We need to participate actively in our church and form deep relationships within it. Growing is a team effort, with maturity seen as becoming a single mature unit, not just separate individuals. The role of the triune God in our personal growth is key, hinting that reflecting this divine pattern is crucial for our spiritual development.



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