
Glory in Your Life

Tim Keller |  November 3, 2002

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  • Glorification
Exodus 33:1-6, 15-23; 34:5-8
RS 154-09

Exodus 33:1–6, 15–23; 34:5–8

In Exodus 33 and 34, we explore the deep idea of God’s glory—why we need it, how we can see it, and where we can find it. This is important because many people are looking for a spiritual community where they can have a real, life-changing experience with God. Even though God’s glory might seem like a difficult concept, these chapters help us understand what it really means.

1. Needing his glory

After the golden calf incident, we learn something crucial: life without God, even if it’s filled with success and wealth, is empty. When Moses says no to a life without God, he shows us the difference between just believing in God and truly experiencing His glory. We weren’t created because God needed glory, but to share in it. This truth should motivate us to seek and welcome God’s presence in our lives.

2. Seeing his glory

Accepting and acknowledging the reality of God, rather than creating our own idea of Him, is a transformative journey that places God above everything else. This is more than just a fuzzy spiritual feeling—it’s a personal experience with God’s presence, where reading the Bible has meaning and prayer is a joyful response to being in His presence. Through faith and the Holy Spirit, we can seek this experience, which ultimately cleanses and changes us as we fully understand God’s beauty.

3. Finding his glory

Our search for God’s glory reminds us to examine why we’re searching, emphasizing that this quest should be about more than just personal fulfillment. Being holy means showing love, peace, justice, and beauty, setting us apart from others. But more than that, it’s about wanting God’s presence and reflecting His glory to others. It addresses our habit of looking for meaning and safety in worldly things, and suggests generosity and prayer as ways to refocus our hearts towards God. The sacrifice of Jesus Christ gives us a deep understanding of God’s character, helping us transform into something glorious.



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