
I Am the Light

Tim Keller |  November 22, 1998

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  • God the Father
John 8:12-18; 25-30
RS 96-2

John 8:12–20

People today are hungry for something more than what science or rules can offer. They want to feel something spiritual, but without the constraints of religious ‘do’s and don’ts’. Yet, Christianity offers something different – a chance to know Jesus, who is beyond both scientific facts and religious rituals. He says He is the Light of the world, which is a powerful image and statement that calls us to follow Him and experience a life filled with His light.

1. The power of the image

The image of Jesus as the world’s light is deep and rich. Light is necessary for life and understanding the world around us, but it can also be dangerous and cause harm. This contrast highlights the importance of Jesus’ statement that He is the light of the world.

2. The power of the statement

Jesus doesn’t just say He reflects God’s glory – He says He is God’s glory. He offers Himself as the only source of eternal life, truth, and happiness, inviting us to change our lives by following Him. As the connection between God and people, Jesus fulfills our desire for something more and serves as the ultimate source of truth, beauty, happiness, and connection.

3. The power of the invitation

People can be grouped into three types: Christians, non-Christians, and those unsure about their faith. Christians are called to live lives that show Christ’s beauty, stand against injustice, and hope for the full revelation of God’s light. For those unsure about their faith, the light of Jesus begins to shine when they feel strong emotions. To fully embrace Christianity, they must accept what Jesus has done for them.



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