
Knowing We Know: Three Tests

Tim Keller |  October 2, 1994

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  • The Church (Unity, Fellowship, Leadership)
  • Prayer & Meditation
  • The Bible
1 John 1:5-7
RS 257-04

1 John 1:5–7

Being in fellowship with God, as 1 John explains, is more than just believing in Him. It’s about actively getting to know Him and experiencing His presence. This shared journey is described by the word “koinonia”. Sometimes we may have things like guilt, relationship problems, or doubts that can block this fellowship. It’s important to remember that everyone can enjoy a closer relationship with God.

1. Study

Diving into the Bible is crucial to understanding God’s Word. We don’t just wait for spiritual experiences or hope for God to suddenly give us knowledge. Jesus promised that the Holy Spirit will help us understand His words, so we need to explore the teachings given to the apostles and prophets. This means carefully reading, thinking about its meaning, and learning how to interpret it. This forms the basis for experiencing the fullness of God’s truth.

2. Contemplate

Prayerful thought, or meditation, deepens our connection with God. It’s a way to soak in God’s Word by praising Him, admitting our wrongs, recognizing harmful habits, aspiring to live as the Bible instructs, and trying to understand God’s message for us now. This simple process can lead to great joy and a closer relationship with God.

3. Enjoy

Martin Luther found communication with God through deep prayer and contemplation on Scripture, like the Lord’s Prayer. Sometimes, we don’t feel God’s presence in our lives because we don’t seek Him enough or understand Him well. The barriers could be guilt, issues with other believers, or doubts about the gospel. To overcome these, we need to seek Jesus’s mercy and presence, knowing that even when we make mistakes, God is always ready to reveal Himself to us.



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