
Mortification Through Joy

Tim Keller |  December 3, 2006

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  • The Holy Spirit
Romans 8:1-13
RS 194-03

Romans 8:1–13

Romans 8 explains that if you believe in Jesus Christ, you’re free from guilt. The Holy Spirit saves us from our sins and wrongdoings. It’s crucial to live by the Spirit’s guidance and not by our selfish desires, as this brings happiness, peace, and goodness. More so, it shows believing in Christ gives us a fresh way to understand ourselves, a new approach to grow, and a new strength to truly be ourselves.

1. You get a fresh way to understand yourself

Each one of us, no matter how good we are, has the potential to sin and be selfish. But the amazing truth is that if you believe in Christ, you’re free from guilt, regardless of your past mistakes. This strange reality of being capable of bad things yet still loved by God, helps us understand that we’re all human and gives us the courage to face our weaknesses without hiding or denying them.

2. You get a fresh approach to grow

The topic of selfishness is discussed, emphasizing that true growth can’t be achieved by just following rules. It’s important to overcome our wrongdoings through the Spirit, instead of trying to save ourselves. We need to consider what we really care about, as it shows our true values. The dangers of looking for approval and worth outside of Jesus Christ are pointed out, as this can lead to unhappiness and a shaky sense of self. Therefore, it’s suggested that we prioritize God’s love over what others think.

3. You get a fresh strength to be yourself

The power to change comes from letting go of selfish pursuits and focusing on Jesus’ teachings, which the Holy Spirit makes real for us. The beauty of Jesus’ sacrifice, which the Holy Spirit highlights, becomes a strong force that removes sin from our hearts. The ultimate goal is to change to become more like Christ, guided by the Spirit, using different tools like books and movies.



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