
Raising the Widow’s Son

Tim Keller |  March 31, 2002

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  • Hope
  • Easter
1 Kings 17:17-24; Luke 7:11-17
IS 147

1 Kings 17:17–24; Luke 7:11–17

When we think about death, we often feel fear and confusion, just like Leo Tolstoy did as he questioned life’s purpose. However, the story of Easter brings hope through Jesus Christ, who is the Resurrection and the Life. The Bible has six stories that show us what resurrection means and why it’s important.

1. Why does this resurrection power come into anyone’s life?

Jesus Christ’s power to resurrect is deeply connected to His profound love for us. We see this in the stories of Elijah and Jesus, who deeply cared for the people they resurrected. This love is about grace – a gift that we don’t earn, but comes from Jesus’ kindness. Therefore, this resurrection power enters a person’s life when Jesus becomes their main focus.

2. Who does Jesus come to?

Often, women, especially widows, are the ones who witness resurrection miracles in the Bible. This shows their low status in society. The Gospel, unlike other religions, acknowledges our failures and points to Jesus’ sacrifice, making it more attractive to those who are excluded from power. Resurrection power brings hope to the hopeless, connects believers to the oppressed, and shows God’s plan to save both our souls and bodies. This emphasizes the importance of caring for those who are less fortunate and working for justice.

3. Why does the resurrection power come?

Jesus Christ’s resurrection isn’t just emotionally comforting, but it’s also intellectually convincing. It addresses our doubts and confirms the truth of His divine nature. This resurrection shows the unique power of Jesus to bring the dead back to life, demonstrating His extraordinary nature. As a historical event open to investigation, the resurrection provides real proof of its truth, leading us to confidently say, “Now I know.”

4. How is all this possible?

The story of the widow of Zarephath challenges today’s ideas of individualism. It emphasizes that sin creates a debt that must be paid, and forgiveness doesn’t erase this debt. The Gospel tells us that Jesus Christ’s sacrifice on the cross is the payment for our sins. This symbolizes that death is a result of sin. The Christian life is about finding purpose in Jesus, relating to others’ struggles, and living out the promise and power of resurrection, even in the face of challenges and death.



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