
The Excellence of Jesus

Tim Keller |  December 8, 2002

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  • God the Father
Luke 2:41-52; 3:22-23
RS 155-02

Luke 2:41–52; 3:22–23

Reading Luke’s book, we get a closer look at Jesus’ life and learn about the significance of having a bond with God through Him. Luke emphasizes Jesus’ special role as God’s son both when Jesus is a young boy in the temple and later, at his baptism. These stories help us understand Jesus’ unique position and how it matters to us, his followers.

1. The extraordinary role of young Jesus

Luke 2:41-52 tells us about Jesus at 12 years old, a crucial time in his life. It was a time when Jewish boys, like Jesus, were expected to start taking on more adult roles and learning intensively. But instead, we find Jesus in the temple, expressing his special bond with God, his heavenly Father. This episode points to Jesus’ unique position as God’s son, his deep connection with God, and how his character combines greatness and humility.

2. The extraordinary role of adult Jesus

When Jesus is baptized in Luke, it confirms his divine role as God’s son. The Holy Spirit descends upon him, preparing him for his upcoming mission. This isn’t just some formless power; it’s a direct confirmation of Jesus being God’s Son. The voice from heaven, quoting Psalm 2 and Isaiah 42, reveals Jesus as the promised King and the servant who will suffer, an unusual combination that prepares him for his mission.

3. The extraordinary role of Jesus’ followers

When we base our identity on anything other than God, that’s sin, and it leaves us with a shaky sense of who we are. The only way to find a secure and transformed identity is through knowing we’re loved and accepted by God. We can experience this divine adoption by forming a relationship with Jesus Christ. To develop a deep, personal bond with God, it’s essential to recognize God’s greatness, understand Jesus’ sacrifice, and seek divine guidance through the Holy Spirit and the Bible. This relationship with God combines a sense of awe and humility, power and patience, and provides complete safety and fulfillment.



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