
When He Comes (Palm Sunday)

Tim Keller |  April 8, 1990

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  • Spiritual Gifts
Luke 12:35-46
IS 7

Luke 12:35–46

Palm Sunday is like a reminder of Jesus’ victorious return to his kingdom. It’s kind of a preview of what’s to come when Jesus returns again to transform everything and fulfill the amazing promises God has for His children. The real point of the Bible’s teachings about Jesus’ return isn’t about when it will happen, but rather how it should shape our lives. We should live with urgency, happiness, hope, and energy, always looking forward to Jesus’ return. This hopeful expectation should help us live lives filled with joy, humility, and a readiness to serve.

1. Keep your lamps burning

The time between when Jesus first came and when He will come again is often described as a dark time. It’s easy for us to fall asleep spiritually, tricked by false ideas rather than guided by the truth. Staying spiritually awake means letting the things that will last forever shape our lives more than the things that are here today and gone tomorrow. To keep our spiritual light shining, we need to constantly remind ourselves of God’s love and acceptance, and make an ongoing effort to understand the greatness of Jesus Christ.

2. Be dressed and ready for service

George Whitefield, a well-known Christian, showed us what it means to live with active faith and readiness, even when facing criticism and health problems. He remained humble and focused on God’s ultimate evaluation. This story reminds us to be ready for challenges, always looking forward to Jesus’ return. It’s crucial to trust in Jesus for our worth and readiness for God’s evaluation. It also shows us the importance of using our talents to serve God, finding joy in serving Him, and the rewards waiting for those who stay alert and faithful.



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