

Tim Keller |ย  October 16, 2005

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  • Sharing Your Faith
Isaiah 55:1-7; 57:14-21
RS 187-06


In Isaiah, we are reminded of the promise of God’s everlasting covenant for those who truly encounter him. When you allow him to change your heart, you receive a new mission: to give testimony and witness to others. This is a sign of conversion in your life, and God gives us the power and motivation to share the message of his unconditional love and promise of new life.

Isaiah 55:1โ€“7; 57:14โ€“21

Understanding personal spiritual change is vital. Many people think this involves forcing your beliefs on others, but it’s not like that. We all have our own beliefs and sometimes, we share those with others. When we talk about Biblical change, it’s different. It’s about a mission given by God, the message we’re meant to share, and the power God gives us to do it. This is clearly seen in the book of Isaiah.

1. The mission

In Isaiah 55:3, God promises to bring our souls to life and to make a never-ending agreement with us. This inspires us to share our faith and show God’s justice to the world. This is not optional. It’s a key part of our relationship with God, even though some people may not agree.

2. Weโ€™re given a message

When we talk about spiritual change, it’s not just about acting differently. It’s about a deep shift in what we believe and what we’re committed to. Everyone tries to find happiness in their own way, like through money, power, or popularity. But real change means finding joy in God, not in earthly things or our own efforts. We need to check ourselves: Have we really changed, or are we just going through the motions of religion?

3. God gives us a motivation and a power for it

Isaiah mentions a forever agreement God made with David. This makes us wonder: Is our relationship with God based on conditions or is it unconditional? The good news is that Jesus fulfilled the conditions of the agreement for us. So, we get to experience God’s love without conditions, even though there are conditions to the agreement. This love, which costs God a lot but is free for us, and our own failures, motivate us to share the good news with others, both boldly and humbly.


July Book Offer

Reading Galatians Can Change Your Life!

Galatians is a powerful book that shows how people can think they know the gospel but are actually losing touch with it. In this study of the book of Galatians, Dr. Keller helps you understand how this short book in the New Testament can transform your life.